Sony Mavica FD90

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The MVC-FD90 is a digital camera introduced in 2000 (alongside the FD85) in the Mavica series from Sony. As with earlier Mavica models, a standard computer floppy disk is used for storage; or Sony's MSAC-FD2M "dummy floppy" adapter which accepts Memory Stick cards. The badging on the front panel announces, "Interpolated 1.6 Megapixel Images"; but the maximum 1472×1104 resolution results from upsampling the actual sensor resolution—apparently, 1280×960 pixels. Using the latter setting , a standard 1.4 MB floppy will hold approximately six images. This model was followed by the similar FD92, which included a Memory Stick slot in the camera itself.

The FD90 is equipped with a 4.75–38 mm f/2.8–3.0 lens, whose 8x zoom range gives a 35mm equivalent of 41–328 mm. (The badging "16x Precision Digital Zoom" on the side of the lens housing is the zoom range after digital interpolation, lowering image quality.)
