Coronet Rapier

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The Coronet Rapier was a plastic 120 roll film viewfinder camera made by Coronet in Birmingham, UK.

The Mark I was available in 1959 (possibly earlier) and had a black body with sloping sides and a prominent square-section lens barrel and pressed sheet-metal back. The design is essentially the same as the Coronet 6-6, but masked to a smaller image format[1]. The Rapier has a two-pin flash connection, the whole thing was much like a larger version of the Coronet Victor. It had a choice of aperture, one for colour, one for black-and-white.

The Mark II had a flatter, more conventional body with leathercloth covering and added a two-speed shutter, 1/50 & 1/100s with a PC socket for flash, and marked apertures f/16 & f/11. Image format was 16 4x4cm on 120 film. The Rex appears to be the same camera as the Rapier Mk II.


  1. McKeown, James M. and Joan C. McKeown's Price Guide to Antique and Classic Cameras, 12th Edition, 2005-2006. USA, Centennial Photo Service, 2004. ISBN 0-931838-40-1 (hardcover). ISBN 0-931838-41-X (softcover). Page 223.