Argus C4 Geiss

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The Argus C4 was an attempt by Argus to improve on the C3 model by combining the rangefinder and viewfinder into a single eyepiece; and restyling the body into a smaller and more modern-looking design. However in one respect the C4 was a step backwards, in that it offered no option for interchangeable lenses, which the C3 had offered (albeit inconveniently).

Into this void stepped the Geiss company of Chicago, who modified the C4 with their own proprietary interchangeable lens mount. The mount is a breech-lock type, with a rotating ring actuated by a tab that extends outside the lens barrel. The mount is unusual in that the breech-lock ring is set inside the outer perimeter of the lens barrel. This permits gear teeth along the outside of the lens barrel to engage with the rangefinder focus knob, permitting coupling of the rangefinder to the lens focus. The breech lock itself grips onto three tabs on the rear of the lens barrel, as is common to most breech-lock mounts, although the tabs are hidden inside the outer barrel.

In addition to adapting the stock 50mm f/2.8 Cintar, Geiss imported a nice series of lenses made by Enna-Werk in West Germany, including:

  • 35mm f/4.5 Lithagon
  • 45mm f/1.9 Lithagon
  • 100mm f/4.5 Lithagon
  • 135mm f/3.5 Lithagon

Argus followed suit in 1956 with its own C-forty-four camera offering interchangeable lenses by Steinheil. However Argus's own mount system was strange and inconvenient; and unlike the Geiss system, it did not allow focusing by grasping a focus ring on the lens barrel. As a result, the Geiss-modified C4 is now considered one of the most usable and desirable of all "Argus" cameras.
