Ward 35

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Introduced in 1955, the Ward 35 (sold by Montgomery Ward) was a 35mm fixed-lens viewfinder camera made by Taiyōdō Koki, and based on the Beauty 35. It differed from the Beauty model in a number of respects.

  • The Ward branded lens had an aperture range of f/2.8 to f/22 against the Beauty's f/3.2 to f/16.
  • The Ward had a five speed Prontor shutter, while the Beauty had an NKS-FB Prontor-type shutter with eight speeds.
  • The Ward did not have a self-timer (as found on the Beauty), the viewfinders differed, and the Beauty lacked a rotatable frame-counter setting wheel.
  • Trim details also differed between the two models.

The Beauty 35 was also rebadged as the Milo 35 (or MIL-O sold by Miller Outcalt) and rebranded as the Gen 35. All three of these models had slight differences.
